This Is Our 'Braggin' Page!
We are not only working on restoring our machines, but our fingers are busy clicking the shutter as the machines are being restored and/or sent off to their new homes so you can see examples of our craftmanship.
Check back often as we are always adding photos as our bowlers are restored and sold.
For a more extensive view of the restoration process in progress be sure to visit our photo gallery.
To See photos of our completely restored bowlers just click a link below:
1958 Chicago Coin TWIN Ball Bowler
(1 of 7)
1957 United TEAM Bowling Alley
1959 Chicago Coin Queen 16 ft.
1960 Chicago Coin Duchess 16ft.
1961 Chicago Coin Continental 16ft.
1961 United Frolics Deluxe 16 ft.
1963 Chicago Coin Official Spare Lite 13 ft.
1964 Chicago Coin Cadillac Spare Lite 13 ft.
1964 Chicago Coin Cadillac Spare Lite 16 ft.
1964 Chicago Coin Majestic 24 ft. (With Blue Stripe)
1964 Chicago Coin Majestic 13 ft.
1964 Chicago Coin Majestic Custom 11 ft.
1964 Chicago Coin Majestic 16 ft.
1965 Chicago Coin Super Sonic Ball Bowler w/Original Lanes
1966 Chicago Coin Corvette w/Spot Bowl 13 ft. Rare (Custom Paint)
1969 Bally Super Bowler 14 ft.